Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Change is everywhere...

After tossing the idea around for quite a while and the all-mighty agenda James has pushed upon me I have decided to start a blog. After all, why not? I've made some pretty wild changes this week; what could one more hurt.

After months of dealing with a phone that worked on its own schedule - effing treo - and June's phone breaking I took the plunge into life with a digital leash. As of Sunday evening I am officially the owner of an iPhone so I'm connected to that thing called the Internet at all times. It was a difficult decision to purchase the phone because for months I have been dogging owners of the device. I was almost certain I would catch some shit for my previous attitude towards having the Internet on my phone.

Anyways, the phone is just a segueway into my post. After putting down the squares in March 2008, to no surprise, I put on quite a bit of weight and became really lazy. Apparently quitting smoking isn't all it's cracked up to be. To curtail this onset of laziness and general ill-feeling I decided to hit the treadmill and see what I could do. After several weeks I started seeing some great progress and finally got within a normal BMI. Then, one night of clang-clang-clang and thinking I could handle the squares only when I had a few cold ones, I fell off the wagon. With that came less running and the second round of laziness. The first time I put the squares down I used Chantix, but that is not an option now because I am a student pilot and there is a strict ban on the drug, something about seizures or some nonsense like that. So this time I must do it on my own. Getting back in to my running groove has helped, and I've used some of my running goals to assist me with that.

This time around with the running, given the change in seasons and just up for a new challenge in general, I have decided to hit the road. I couldn't live in a worse neighborhood terrain-wise for running as it is composed of multiple hills and makes for a very rough 1.8 miles. For the last three weeks I have been running the neighborhood and haven't seen much improvement. I can complete the 1.8 miles just fine, but at the end I am beat, so today I decided to change things up a little bit and venture out of my neighborhood. This is where the iPhone comes in. With the iPhone AppStore comes a sweet app called iMapMyRun which posts your runs and maps them to This is particularly helpful because other than painfully mapping my runs on google maps and guessing, which I do not like to do, I had no clue how fast, how far, etc. Today I completed a 2.47 mile run in 23 minutes and some change which was very encouraging. The best part about the run is that I could have probably gone further. So after the run I sent the link of to James, Brad and crew and went to the sage of running himself James for some much needed advice on what I needed to do goal wise to continue. James provided some advice on running based on time and throw everything else out the window. So tomorrow 25 minutes here I come!

That's enough for tonite, and on a final note, check out my pimp semi-urban run:

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